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A member registered Dec 06, 2023

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(1 edit)

Thank you for taking the time to reply to everything! I've never made a game before, but from what I've heard and seen it can take a lot of work, so don't rush yourself. If you rush art, the finished product will reflect that. I like the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. feel you've got going on! So far, everything presentation-wise looks good, and you're right about the "update dilemma." I'm speaking for myself but looking at your game, if you add more things here and there it will only get better. I don't have any other questions at this time, but once a new download button is available, and I've upgraded from the potato I'm running now, I'll be sure to check out your game!

Wishing you the best of luck in your endeavors,
RedCopperWire :D

Edit: Just after pressing the "post reply" button, I thought of something. Do you have a Discord server, where people can talk and discuss your game? It could help build the game's community, and you can interact with them and get feedback about things. Might be a good idea, might not; up to you. B)

(5 edits)

Totally understandable. I have a couple other questions if you're okay with answering them. I'm really interested in your game from what I've seen on the page. Please note that I'm just some internet nobody who's curious.

- Where can I find an "Update Report" section where I can see the content changes? Additions, removals, buffs, nerfs, etc. 
- Will the game stay as a "Free to Download; Free to Play", or will it eventually have a paywall of x-amount of USD?
- Will you eventually be looking to hire a team to help with the development?
- From what I've seen, the game looks to have an S.T.A.L.K.E.R. atmosphere of sorts. Is that the world you're going for? And if not, what is the world you're going for?
- Can you include a "Minimum Spec Requirements" along with a "Recommended Spec Requirements" section on the main game page? I run games on a "less-than-optimal" laptop, so knowing if I can run the game in the first place would be awesome; along with being beneficial to other users who may want to play too.
     - Could the "Spec Reqs" include Ram, CPU, GPU, Storage, etc.; Things you'd find on a game posted to Steam?
- When will the next update be, roughly?

And not so much a question but FPS games are also one of, if not the favorite genre of mine as well. You can do a lot with the genre as long as it's implemented well.

As always, though, good luck with the development!

EDIT: I looked back and saw you had "somewhat" (for lack of a better terminology) of a Spec Req list. However, it's on the vague side of things... Can you change or update it so it's at the bottom of the page, but also just above where the DOWNLOAD button would be? 

Thanks again, and GL with development.

What year will the game be finished? Or, when will another download link be available? From the pictures and description, the game looks awesome! As a solo dev making the game, you've done some great work you should be proud of. Looking forward to future updates and the progress to come.